Cursussen & Trainingen

International Course on Housing and Urban Development (ICHUD) (IHS)

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Over deze opleiding

Specialize yourself as an urban professional! This course offers the opportunity to join part of the specialisation period of the master programme in Urban Management and Development. The modules of the master program guarantee the academic depth of the study, while at the same time complementary activities of more practical focus are build in the program to link the learning to your own work environment. The programme provides an excellent opportunity to review and further develop your professional skills as an urban manager. Courses in the different specializations on housing, land, regional and urban environmental strategies will be paired with case studies, fieldtrips and group discussions. If academic standards are met,the candidate may complete the master program at a later date.

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2019 instellingstarief5950 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten5950 EUR

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

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