Over deze opleiding
Diploma Programme in Customs and Supply Chain Compliance
The customs profession is changing and facing new challenges. Networks for international trade have grown in complexity. But, transparency and security of the flow of goods in the supply chain have not kept pace with this change. This leads to risks which demand stricter regulation and tighter controls. However, that increases the administrative burden for businesses and the regulatory costs for the government, which is already under pressure of budget cuts. So, you need innovative solutions to increase compliance and reduce the costs at the same time. RSM's customised and in-company customs and supply chain compliance programmes are designed to upskill and reskill your team and organisation to better operate and innovate in the world of trade compliance.
Kies je voor de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR), dan kies je voor een internationaal georiënteerde topuniversiteit met een stevige verankering in de stad Rotterdam en de regio. De EUR kenmerkt zich door een moderne kijk op de wetenschap en de...