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Cursussen & Trainingen

Economics of Health Inequality

5 uur
5 uur

Over deze opleiding

This course will arm you with tools to measure health inequality.It will also make you familiar with models developed to explain socioeconomic disparities in health and competent in empirical methods used to estimate socioeconomic determinants of health.The course is targeted at economists embarking on research on population health, as well as at researchers from the field of public health wishing to become competent in techniques employed by economists to measure and explain health inequality.ObjectivesTo attain competence in:*normative evaluation and measurement of health inequality;*computation of health inequality indices;*decomposition of health inequality;*economic models of health behaviour;*empirical identification of causes of health inequality.The course consists of:Lectures, seminar discussions and hands-on application in computing sessions. Example STATA® do-files will be provided. You will complete an assignment during the week and present results on the final afternoon.


Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

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