Over deze opleiding
The Psychology & Neuroscience in Europe programme offers students insight into the latest topics in European psychology research.
Maastricht, the Netherlands, forms a unique starting point for studying psychology and neuroscience. Just an hour from the European capital Brussels, Maastricht is central to leading European psychology organisations and research centres. The renowned Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) at Maastricht University specialises in cognitive and biological psychology. The Maastricht Brain-Imaging Centre (M-BIC) conducts state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience research guided by one of the leading experts in the field. M-BIC has unique equipment such as 3 Tesla MRI head scanners and has developed one of the leading fMRI analysis and visualisation software packages in the world, “Brain Voyager”. Compare the scientific research methods of the Netherlands to those of your home country. Visit state-of-the-art lab facilities at the faculty. Follow courses and seminars taught by leading experts. Get involved in research opportunities with fellow psychology students from all over the world!
Maastricht, the Netherlands, forms a unique starting point for studying psychology and neuroscience. Just an hour from the European capital Brussels, Maastricht is central to leading European psychology organisations and research centres. The renowned Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) at Maastricht University specialises in cognitive and biological psychology. The Maastricht Brain-Imaging Centre (M-BIC) conducts state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience research guided by one of the leading experts in the field. M-BIC has unique equipment such as 3 Tesla MRI head scanners and has developed one of the leading fMRI analysis and visualisation software packages in the world, “Brain Voyager”. Compare the scientific research methods of the Netherlands to those of your home country. Visit state-of-the-art lab facilities at the faculty. Follow courses and seminars taught by leading experts. Get involved in research opportunities with fellow psychology students from all over the world!
Faculteiten Maastricht University
De Universiteit Maastricht (UM) werd op 9 januari 1976 opgericht als de Rijksuniversiteit Limburg (RL), een door het rijk bekostigde instelling voor wetenschappelijk onderwijs en onderzoek. Om het internationale karakter van de universiteit te benadrukken werd in 2008 de naam...