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WO Master

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

12 uur
12 uur
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Over deze opleiding

This specialisation provides the skills and knowledge that enables problem solvers and creative thinkers to understand and challenge the difficulties that entrepreneurs face in their businesses.

Innovation management and entrepreneurship are combined in this specialisation. Both are vital for companies, whether a small start-up, large multinational or SME, to help bring novel products and services to the market, or to reinvent the business model of an existing industry. An entrepreneurial approach is also key in established firms that regularly develop innovative products. It relies on an entrepreneurial mindset and behaviour to incubate innovations. This specialisation takes a broad, multidisciplinary view, examining the interactions of firms within the context of their business ecosystems. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Context course is at the core of the specialisation. It aims to provide a better understanding of entrepreneurial innovators who operate from their constructed identity and capture external opportunities. In other courses, you'll learn about the processes to identify ideas for innovation, manage innovation and business development projects, develop a business plan or analyse business models and strategic scenarios.
The Master's in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Business Administration.




2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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Comeniuslaan 4
6525 HP Nijmegen

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