Over deze opleiding
This school is an interdisciplinary learning experience aimed at inspiring and activating students (PhD, Masters) and professionals working or studying fields related to integrated sustainability.
Welcome to a summer school for sustainability education in Groningen. At this summer school, we want to share exciting and develop new ideas through series of participatory and interactive workshops. Through discussing our challenges in sustainability education, we will aim to critically analyze our experiences and share our best practices. We ask participants to bring in their cases and experiences.Over the course of the two-and-a-half-day school the cases may concern themes:* Defining and measuring sustainable education* Incorporating sustainability as a central element of a course* Departing from solitude of specialization to teach sustainability* Creating multi- inter- transdisciplinary education on program level* Shaping and incorporating transformative learning* Introducing complexity; valuing ethical and morals aspects of being* Integrative understanding by integrative teaching: ethical thinking and action are supported by moving from being bystander to being a neighbor or friend* Creating intimate understanding of others and their needs to prompt compassionate action* Creating awareness that knowledge is socially constructed* Bridging the knowledge-action gap: demonstrating
Welcome to a summer school for sustainability education in Groningen. At this summer school, we want to share exciting and develop new ideas through series of participatory and interactive workshops. Through discussing our challenges in sustainability education, we will aim to critically analyze our experiences and share our best practices. We ask participants to bring in their cases and experiences.Over the course of the two-and-a-half-day school the cases may concern themes:* Defining and measuring sustainable education* Incorporating sustainability as a central element of a course* Departing from solitude of specialization to teach sustainability* Creating multi- inter- transdisciplinary education on program level* Shaping and incorporating transformative learning* Introducing complexity; valuing ethical and morals aspects of being* Integrative understanding by integrative teaching: ethical thinking and action are supported by moving from being bystander to being a neighbor or friend* Creating intimate understanding of others and their needs to prompt compassionate action* Creating awareness that knowledge is socially constructed* Bridging the knowledge-action gap: demonstrating
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Na Leiden, is de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen de oudste (nog bestaande) universiteit van Nederland. In haar bestaan heeft de RUG veel verschillende soorten talenten voortgebracht, zoals de eerste afgestudeerde vrouwelijke student, de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland, de eerste Nederlandse ruimtevaarder...