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WO Master

International Business and Management

12 uur
12 uur

Over deze opleiding

How can companies operate in multiple countries at the same time and cope with different cultural, political and economic circumstances? International business managers need to know how.

The MSc IB&M is a broad programme with a rich set of electives to choose from. You can also opt for one of our double degrees, with the University of Newcastle or with Fudan University in Shanghai.In the programme you will learn to approach issues in global management with an open mind and how to deal with them systematically and creatively. Your analytical and professional set of skills will be expanded to include the latest theories and tools in developing strategies for managing multinational enterprises and for firms to operate across borders.Specific attention is paid to comparative analyses of countries, institutions, cultures and, of course, companies and their strategies. You will be trained to apply this knowledge to the development of company strategies, instruments and processes. You will also learn to analyse the purchasing and sales markets in different countries, understand various institutional environments and develop policy proposals.




2018 instellingstarief2060 EUR2018 niet-EU/EER studenten14350 EUR2018 wettelijk tarief2060 EUR2019 instellingstarief14650 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten14600 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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9712 GL Groningen

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