Over deze opleiding
How to design more effective and needle-free pulmonary vaccines? How can we better measure drug toxicity for humans? How can we fight antibiotic resistance?
How can we use Big health care data to improve preventive drug programmes? How can we optimize chronic drug use in ageing populations? How can we develop a business case for a new drug and determine costs of pharmaceutical programmes?If you have a pharmaceutical bachelor or bachelor from chemistry or biomedical sciences with pharmaceutical elements, this two-year Master's degree programme will enhance your career in the exciting world of the drug development life cycle! We cover all drug-related elements, from basic target discovery to molecular drug design, from analysis of drugs and biomarkers to pharmacological design of applications, from toxicology and biopharmacy to clinical pharmacoepidemiology, post marketing surveillance, policy and business.An unique asset of the master of medical pharmaceutical sciences is that the lectures and research take place in an interdisciplinary Life Sciences environment from chemistry to statistics, from biology to medicine, from epidemiology to economics, management and business, all situated within walking distance. Learning research by actually doing it is a second unique asset, and students will have the opportunity to design two large rese
How can we use Big health care data to improve preventive drug programmes? How can we optimize chronic drug use in ageing populations? How can we develop a business case for a new drug and determine costs of pharmaceutical programmes?If you have a pharmaceutical bachelor or bachelor from chemistry or biomedical sciences with pharmaceutical elements, this two-year Master's degree programme will enhance your career in the exciting world of the drug development life cycle! We cover all drug-related elements, from basic target discovery to molecular drug design, from analysis of drugs and biomarkers to pharmacological design of applications, from toxicology and biopharmacy to clinical pharmacoepidemiology, post marketing surveillance, policy and business.An unique asset of the master of medical pharmaceutical sciences is that the lectures and research take place in an interdisciplinary Life Sciences environment from chemistry to statistics, from biology to medicine, from epidemiology to economics, management and business, all situated within walking distance. Learning research by actually doing it is a second unique asset, and students will have the opportunity to design two large rese
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Na Leiden, is de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen de oudste (nog bestaande) universiteit van Nederland. In haar bestaan heeft de RUG veel verschillende soorten talenten voortgebracht, zoals de eerste afgestudeerde vrouwelijke student, de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland, de eerste Nederlandse ruimtevaarder...