Over deze opleiding
A summer school on natural gas resources, taking place in Tanzania.
Energy is vital to every society and we see in the world significant changes in the use of energy. The Energy Academy Europe brings together relevant activities, partners and networks to work on the energy transition, therefore we will focus on the energy transition in this summer school as well. This indicates an active attitude towards energy transition.During this summer school, which will take place in Tanzania, the focus will be on the study of what this transition means if we take the local perspective into consideration. In Tanzania enormous gas resources have been found, which opens the question if this gas will be extracted from the (deep) sea, and under which conditions this will occur. Furthermore, where will the revenues be directed?
Energy is vital to every society and we see in the world significant changes in the use of energy. The Energy Academy Europe brings together relevant activities, partners and networks to work on the energy transition, therefore we will focus on the energy transition in this summer school as well. This indicates an active attitude towards energy transition.During this summer school, which will take place in Tanzania, the focus will be on the study of what this transition means if we take the local perspective into consideration. In Tanzania enormous gas resources have been found, which opens the question if this gas will be extracted from the (deep) sea, and under which conditions this will occur. Furthermore, where will the revenues be directed?
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