Over deze opleiding
MSc Biobased Sciences focuses on the transition from a petrochemical to a biobased and circular economy.
The masterprogramme Biobased Sciences teaches interdisciplinary design of biobased production chains including biomass production, bioconversion, biorefinery and societal, logistic and economic transition processes. Thus, technical, economic, social and environmental aspects are integrated to come to a transition to a biobased and circular economy.
The masterprogramme Biobased Sciences teaches interdisciplinary design of biobased production chains including biomass production, bioconversion, biorefinery and societal, logistic and economic transition processes. Thus, technical, economic, social and environmental aspects are integrated to come to a transition to a biobased and circular economy.
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Wageningen University & Research
De universiteit, onderdeel van Wageningen University & Research, biedt bachelor- en masteronderwijs gericht op de thema’s gezonde voeding en leefomgeving. Inhoud en kwaliteit van onderwijs staan voorop. Studenten hebben de universiteit voor het dertiende jaar op rij gekozen tot Beste...