Over deze opleiding
The field of nutritional epidemiology and public health aims at elucidating the relationships between dietary intake, nutritional status and health outcomes.
We train future epidemiologists in observational and intervention studies, with the aim of finding novel ways to preventing disease and promoting health. This will be based on studying the aetiology of diet related diseases (from a biomedical perspective), the strategies for prevention in the community setting (from a behavioural and environmental perspective) and treatment in the curative setting (from a clinical perspective). In this way, epidemiology strengthens the understanding of maintaining good healthand disease aetiology, and helps quantify the impact of public health interventions on individual and environmental outcomes.
We train future epidemiologists in observational and intervention studies, with the aim of finding novel ways to preventing disease and promoting health. This will be based on studying the aetiology of diet related diseases (from a biomedical perspective), the strategies for prevention in the community setting (from a behavioural and environmental perspective) and treatment in the curative setting (from a clinical perspective). In this way, epidemiology strengthens the understanding of maintaining good healthand disease aetiology, and helps quantify the impact of public health interventions on individual and environmental outcomes.
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Wageningen University & Research
De universiteit, onderdeel van Wageningen University & Research, biedt bachelor- en masteronderwijs gericht op de thema’s gezonde voeding en leefomgeving. Inhoud en kwaliteit van onderwijs staan voorop. Studenten hebben de universiteit voor het dertiende jaar op rij gekozen tot Beste...