Over deze opleiding
The master Water Technology is a two year programme with a joint degree.
The programme is offered jointly by Wageningen University & Research, University Twente and University of Groningen with education being provided at the Technological Top Institute for Water technology (TTIW Wetsus), in Leeuwarden.
In the field of water (process) technology, breakthrough technological developments are required. Not only to enable the export ambitions of the water sector but also to solve global threats and challenges in society. A combined technological approach, based on the state-of-the-art in science and technology, may offer a solution to several developments, within business and society, with a worldwide impact on the demand for and use of water. Together they formed reason for initiative to start a joint degree in water technology.
The programme is offered jointly by Wageningen University & Research, University Twente and University of Groningen with education being provided at the Technological Top Institute for Water technology (TTIW Wetsus), in Leeuwarden.
In the field of water (process) technology, breakthrough technological developments are required. Not only to enable the export ambitions of the water sector but also to solve global threats and challenges in society. A combined technological approach, based on the state-of-the-art in science and technology, may offer a solution to several developments, within business and society, with a worldwide impact on the demand for and use of water. Together they formed reason for initiative to start a joint degree in water technology.
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Wageningen University & Research
De universiteit, onderdeel van Wageningen University & Research, biedt bachelor- en masteronderwijs gericht op de thema’s gezonde voeding en leefomgeving. Inhoud en kwaliteit van onderwijs staan voorop. Studenten hebben de universiteit voor het dertiende jaar op rij gekozen tot Beste...