Over deze opleiding
Film and Contemporary Audiovisual Media focuses on the study of the aesthetic, perceptual, cognitive and cultural effects of film, television, and other forms of audiovisual media.
This MA track offers the opportunity to study contemporary developments in film and moving-image culture. It highlights the significance of in-depth investigations of aesthetic experiences and perceptual and cognitive effects of different viewing cultures and screen technologies.Methodologically we offer state-of-the-art approaches such as cognitivism, film-phenomenology, narrative theory, techno-aesthetics, digital film forensics, and experimental media archaeology.Thematically the track focuses on rapidly shifting trends within moving-image culture such as: innovations in technologies, complex storytelling in film and television, changes in viewer emotions and experiences, film archiving practices and media curating, and new formats in documentary filmmaking that blur the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction.Our track is unique in its combination of methodological approaches to film and audiovisual media and the research expertise and networks on offer. Our internationally recognized research and the well-established connections to film and media institutions make this track attractive to students who want to work in the media field or continue research on film.
This MA track offers the opportunity to study contemporary developments in film and moving-image culture. It highlights the significance of in-depth investigations of aesthetic experiences and perceptual and cognitive effects of different viewing cultures and screen technologies.Methodologically we offer state-of-the-art approaches such as cognitivism, film-phenomenology, narrative theory, techno-aesthetics, digital film forensics, and experimental media archaeology.Thematically the track focuses on rapidly shifting trends within moving-image culture such as: innovations in technologies, complex storytelling in film and television, changes in viewer emotions and experiences, film archiving practices and media curating, and new formats in documentary filmmaking that blur the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction.Our track is unique in its combination of methodological approaches to film and audiovisual media and the research expertise and networks on offer. Our internationally recognized research and the well-established connections to film and media institutions make this track attractive to students who want to work in the media field or continue research on film.
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Na Leiden, is de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen de oudste (nog bestaande) universiteit van Nederland. In haar bestaan heeft de RUG veel verschillende soorten talenten voortgebracht, zoals de eerste afgestudeerde vrouwelijke student, de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland, de eerste Nederlandse ruimtevaarder...