Over deze opleiding
All states have laws and their own legal system, and in most countries you can only study national law at the university level.
Our LLB programme in International and European Law is specifically designed for students who wish to pursue a professional career in an international legal environment; it gives students an academic training in law without merely taking a national legal system as a starting point by offering students a general understanding of what 'law' is and how it functions.Official detailed information about the programme can be found here.
Our LLB programme in International and European Law is specifically designed for students who wish to pursue a professional career in an international legal environment; it gives students an academic training in law without merely taking a national legal system as a starting point by offering students a general understanding of what 'law' is and how it functions.Official detailed information about the programme can be found here.
Vul hieronder jouw gegevens in.
Na Leiden, is de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen de oudste (nog bestaande) universiteit van Nederland. In haar bestaan heeft de RUG veel verschillende soorten talenten voortgebracht, zoals de eerste afgestudeerde vrouwelijke student, de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland, de eerste Nederlandse ruimtevaarder...