Over deze opleiding
How to make the right operations decisions, having access to big data, enabled by the latest technology?
Current challenges of operations management relate to people striving to make the right decisions in complex environments while having easy access to large data repositories and being supported by the latest technologies. This programme will provide knowledge on how to master these decisions from a managerial perspective, having at the same time an understanding of the technology-related implications, opportunities, and limitations. Graduates will be introduced to data science, developing competences highly valued by today's and tomorrow's employers like data analysis, visualization, diagnostics, interpretation, and data-driven decision making.Operations are a core aspect of any business. This programme offers insights from real operational processes and socio-technical systems in areas like logistics, manufacturing, services, energy, healthcare, and governance. Graduates learn to identify opportunities, analyse, and diagnose operations-related problems, but also to design, develop, and evaluate solutions.You can also take the programme as a double degree master with Newcastle University (17 months).
Current challenges of operations management relate to people striving to make the right decisions in complex environments while having easy access to large data repositories and being supported by the latest technologies. This programme will provide knowledge on how to master these decisions from a managerial perspective, having at the same time an understanding of the technology-related implications, opportunities, and limitations. Graduates will be introduced to data science, developing competences highly valued by today's and tomorrow's employers like data analysis, visualization, diagnostics, interpretation, and data-driven decision making.Operations are a core aspect of any business. This programme offers insights from real operational processes and socio-technical systems in areas like logistics, manufacturing, services, energy, healthcare, and governance. Graduates learn to identify opportunities, analyse, and diagnose operations-related problems, but also to design, develop, and evaluate solutions.You can also take the programme as a double degree master with Newcastle University (17 months).
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Na Leiden, is de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen de oudste (nog bestaande) universiteit van Nederland. In haar bestaan heeft de RUG veel verschillende soorten talenten voortgebracht, zoals de eerste afgestudeerde vrouwelijke student, de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland, de eerste Nederlandse ruimtevaarder...