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Cursussen & Trainingen

Earth Observation Applications for Water Cycle Studies

Universiteit Twente, In Enschede
82 uur
82 uur

Over deze opleiding

Learn the latest and advanced techniques to spatially assess and monitor water resources from global to local scales.

The concerns of this course is to have a physical process-based understanding of hydrological and environmental cycles. It deals with the occurrence, distribution, circulation, and properties of water, energy and carbon. The introduction to the concept of these cycles and their main components forms the framework of this course. Parallel to this runs a course where the use of Earth Observation to estimate, monitor and manage the water resources are being introduced. Space agencies use Earth Observations to provide a wealth of spatial information on the present-day water resources, in terms of quantity as well as quality. You will learn tools and methods to collect, process, and visualize data on satellite derived rainfall, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and water quality. In addition, calibration/validation methods will be taught on how the accuracy of available data products can be quantified using a set of error metrics.
Website for more information: www.itc.nl




2019 instellingstarief3124 EUR

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Universiteit Twente
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede

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