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Cursussen & Trainingen

Land Information Systems and Models

Universiteit Twente, In Enschede
47 uur
47 uur

Over deze opleiding

Designing and prototyping Land Information Systems (LIS), applying modelling tools for software development and data-modelling and assessing concepts and technologies for scalable real-world LIS.

Land information systems (LIS) are systems for acquiring, processing, storing, and distributing information about land. They provide for secure land tenure and support land valuation, land use planning and land development. Whilst the design of LIS must align to the context where they are to be applied, there are fundamental concepts that apply to all land information systems. The main objective of this course is to discover, apply, and assess these concepts and technologies – and inspire students to deploy them in the creation and maintenance of scalable real-world LIS in cross-organizational settings.
Based on the systems development life cycle, students will study all phases, starting from enterprise architectures, gathering user requirements, applying tools for modelling use cases for software and database development (MDA-Model Driven Architecture, UML-Unified Modelling Language, LADM-Land Administration Domain Model), software development methodologies, querying and managing spatial databases, deployment, implementation and ending at maintenance. A prototype LIS will be developed, focusing on data modelling, multi-user editing, data sharing and dissemination.




2019 instellingstarief1562 EUR

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Universiteit Twente
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede

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De Universiteit Twente (UT) is een universiteit voor technische en maatschappijwetenschappen in de stad Enschede in Twente. De universiteit heeft ongeveer 8000 studenten en ligt op het voormalige landgoed Drienerlo tussen Hengelo en Enschede. Het is de enige echte campusuniversiteit...

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