Over deze opleiding
The European Master in Animal Management combines animal sciences, animal policies, economics and agri-business. The focus is on chain management, food quality and food safety in an European setting
The European Master in Animal Management (EURAMA) is a joint initiative of four European universities and combines animal sciences, animal policies, economics and agri-business. The focus is on chain management, food quality and food safety in an European setting. EURAMA is set up because Animal husbandry and livestock development are more and more constrained both by technical factors (as food supply, animal health, level of management and genetic profile) and by infrastructural and socio-economic factors (trade, labour, entrepreneurship, management) outside countries borders. Graduates are skilled professional animal scientists, well equipped to tackle multi-disciplinary problems related to sustainable livestock management in an international setting.
For more information go to www.eurama.org or contact Rene Kwakkel (rene.kwakkel@wur.nl).
The European Master in Animal Management (EURAMA) is a joint initiative of four European universities and combines animal sciences, animal policies, economics and agri-business. The focus is on chain management, food quality and food safety in an European setting. EURAMA is set up because Animal husbandry and livestock development are more and more constrained both by technical factors (as food supply, animal health, level of management and genetic profile) and by infrastructural and socio-economic factors (trade, labour, entrepreneurship, management) outside countries borders. Graduates are skilled professional animal scientists, well equipped to tackle multi-disciplinary problems related to sustainable livestock management in an international setting.
For more information go to www.eurama.org or contact Rene Kwakkel (rene.kwakkel@wur.nl).
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Wageningen University & Research
De universiteit, onderdeel van Wageningen University & Research, biedt bachelor- en masteronderwijs gericht op de thema’s gezonde voeding en leefomgeving. Inhoud en kwaliteit van onderwijs staan voorop. Studenten hebben de universiteit voor het dertiende jaar op rij gekozen tot Beste...