Over deze opleiding
The focus of the MSc European Forestry is on the international dimensions of forest resource management and utilisation, supported by a sound understanding of ecological conditions
and their dynamics in Europe. The international environment of the MSc EF invites you to study and to meet friends from all over the world. In addition to receiving a high quality education, you will enjoy the cultural and recreational opportunities of many European cities and nature.
and their dynamics in Europe. The international environment of the MSc EF invites you to study and to meet friends from all over the world. In addition to receiving a high quality education, you will enjoy the cultural and recreational opportunities of many European cities and nature.
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Wageningen University & Research
De universiteit, onderdeel van Wageningen University & Research, biedt bachelor- en masteronderwijs gericht op de thema’s gezonde voeding en leefomgeving. Inhoud en kwaliteit van onderwijs staan voorop. Studenten hebben de universiteit voor het dertiende jaar op rij gekozen tot Beste...